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Attention should be paid to the working state of ceramic heating plate in laboratory
  • Release date:2022-06-28      Views:567
    • Attention should be paid to the working state of ceramic heating plate in laboratory

      Laboratory ceramic heating plate using high emissivity glaze layer radiation intensity is high, good thermal shock resistance of ceramic materials as substrates, the quality of the nickel complex heat wire a sintering, mainly by matrix, febrile and glaze layer three parts, each part has its different features, among them: 1, the matrix: consists of good thermal shock resistance of ceramic materials;

      2. Heat: it is made of high-quality nickel-lo alloy;

      3. Glaze layer: it is composed of metal oxide materials with good distant radiation performance, and an appropriate amount of additives is added to improve the radiation intensity and enhance the adaptability of the blank glaze.

      Laboratory ceramic heating plate can be widely used in vacuum blister, food, health care and other kinds of infrared drying baking, curing and other occasions, in the electronic textile, light achievement, of mechanical and electrical chemical, medical, food and other industries has ideal energy saving effect, has obvious social benefit and economic benefit, has high technological content, good overall performance, clean sanitation, convenient assembly, acid, corrosion resistance, the use of safe, long life characteristics.

      In order to ensure the use of ceramic heating plate in the laboratory, users should do necessary maintenance work, including:

      1. Dust the surface of ceramic heating plate in the laboratory and the studio, and keep the machine clean and sanitary.

      2. Check regularly whether the fan is running normally and there is any abnormal sound. If there is any, immediately turn off the machine for inspection.

      3. Check regularly whether the vent of ceramic heating plate in the laboratory is blocked, and clean up dust accumulation regularly.

      4, periodically check whether the temperature controller is accurate, if not, please adjust the temperature controller static compensation or sensor correction.

      5. Regularly check whether the heating pipe of ceramic heating plate in the laboratory is damaged and whether the circuit is aging.

      6, sudden power failure, to turn off the power switch and heating switch, to prevent the automatic start when the call.

      If you need more information about ceramic heating board in laboratory, please continue to pay attention to our company.



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